The power of radio is not that it speaks to millions, but that it speaks intimately and privately to each one of those millions.
- Hallie Flanagan
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Comforting Caring

I myself am a true believer that having music on in the background is a therapeutic treatment for those individuals in intensive care, from personal experience I found that having music played to me gave me a feeling of familiarity, during such a time of uncertainty.
– ICU Ward Sister (anon)
Radiolove simply wants to provide digital radio’s to intensive care units within our NHS, since 2017 we have wanted to help patients of ICU, together with the nurses and doctors who care for them.
Our aim is to reach out to as many intensive care wards as we can, making them aware of radiolove and what we are trying to do.
With your help, we want to build and grow our community so that we can help all those who need us.
The seeds of Radiolove were first sown in 2019 and we started our work in the autumn of 2020 by approaching a small group of intensive care and high dependency units.
We wanted to test our belief that the simple donation of a few radio's might be welcomed and make a positive contribution to the care that they provided.
More about Radio love
Radiolove is a young project starting out on a journey that we hope will make a small but positive change.
So far, we have managed to donate over forty radios to twelve hospitals, it’s a small start that has made us determined to do more. We want our new website to be the platform connecting our supporters to ICU clinical teams around the country. Our hope is that we can bring like-minded people together and share our appreciation for the work that these specialist nurses and doctors do each day.
The pandemic has made us value our NHS more now than ever before, the media has highlighted the devotion of the staff working within ICU during the hardest of times. At Radiolove, we want to continue to say thank you, to remind our nurses and doctors that they are still our heroes. To provide them with something that we know will be welcomed and appreciated equally by patients, their families, friends and staff alike.
How to help
Our aim is to reach out to as many intensive care wards as we can, making them aware of radiolove and what we are trying to do, more importantly we want to share and learn with them.
We have learnt that the gift of a radio is a small but powerful thing, it’s a gesture that Comforts, Cares and Connects. Our own experience of ICU has shown us that a radio has many positive uses, it can brighten our day and it can bring us together.
More about fundraising