Radio Love

Our aim is to create a community and provide as many radios as we can, to make this happen we have to find, fund and supply.

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Our own experiences of ICU date back to 2017, when we saw how a radio could benefit patients, their families and the nursing staff. We started our work in the autumn of 2020 by approaching a small group of hospitals, reaching out to their ICU wards, asking whether radio’s might be welcomed.

Every hospital we approached re-affirmed our belief that patient well-being could be improved with the help of a radio, every hospital told us that the staff of their ICU & HDU wards welcomed the opportunity to have some radios to use on their wards, and so, in the autumn of 2020 radiolove was born!

Some nurses told us that they had purchased radio’s themselves for their patients.

One special ICU sister told us that she herself had been a patient and been ventilated, she told us she had a radio close to her and that it gave her a “feeling of familiarity”.

Last year we managed to help a hospital trust purchase radios for some newly refurbished staff rooms, one hospital asked if we could provide radio’s for their elderly acute wards, we were pleased to help them too.


So far, we have managed to donate over forty radios to twelve hospitals, it’s a very small start and there is a lot more work for us to do.

There are many more hospitals with ICU & HDU wards that need our help, and these are spread across England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales.

We want this new website to be the platform connecting those who support us to the nursing staff within ICU, our hope is that we can bring like minded people together who might share our aims.

To help us comfort, care and connect.

With your help and support we can built build a community, we can provide radios to each and every ICU & HDU ward that needs them.


The radios we provide have to be practical, they need to meet the needs of the patients and nursing teams that we donate to. A typical ICU bed is a very busy place and a radios radio cannot hinder the work that the clinical teams provide. The radios have to be flexible enough to work around the care being provided.

We provide two different types of radio with both having a and rechargeable battery. This allows the radio to be unplugged and moved aside when needed, importantly nurses and families will not have to replace batteries when the old ones stop working.

We provide two different types of radio with both having a and rechargeable battery. This allows the radio to be unplugged and moved aside when needed, importantly nurses and families will not have to replace batteries when the old ones stop working.

One radio is compact and can be placed in the corner of a small ward or side room, close enough to a nurse and their patient so that they can share the music. The other radio is smaller and allows patients to wear headphones if a care plan allows.

Our current partner for the supply of radios is Azatom, and they have two models that really suit our needs, the first is called a Blackfriars, the other is a Sonance T1.

– We are happy to partner with AZATOM the best of British audio.

Send us a message
Office Address
44 Grand Parade
East Sussex